Find that light within you !

"Be aware of your thoughts. Stay in touch with your feelings. Speak up!"

If funny because we have all heard such words or similar ones.

Everyone goes through a phase where one feels withdrawn, detached…my friends call it the “hibernation phase.”

That phase whereby you feel nobody will understand your pain, even though being understood is probably the most basic psychological need. No amount of empathy can pull you out to reach a point of sharing your innermost dark feelings.

Depression is a dark status. One feels numb towards physical pain, sometimes bleeding makes one feel better so you cut and cut..till that warm red fluid starts flowing. Maybe then you are conscious of what you are doing …or maybe not.

You cannot eat…you do not want to. You can’t go to the washroom, why bother. You won't pick calls. It’s all dark. It’s all lonely.

If you are there, talk to yourself, someone needs you. Someone depends on you. Someone will hurt so much if you give up.
It’s dark because the dark thoughts took you there. It’s dark because the stubborn you keep refusing to believe you are worth more than you know. It is dark because your eyes are closed you cannot see how beautiful you are inside out.

I will keep reminding you. I will lit up the room for your soul to know light. I will. 
The inner will is very critical. Even though circumstances are hard it labours until hope is born.
Hope is all we need. Hope that no matter what tomorrow will become. Hope that there is more to life than this dark place and awful feeling you have.

We are always anxious about what we cannot control, we struggle to be what we are not. We mask, we hide, we bleed emotionally. 
Self-acceptance is magical because it makes one cope easily in difficult situations. Your feelings and thoughts should be congruent with your actions. There is no wrong or right feeling, however, it is important to be aware that your thoughts manufacture your feelings and your feelings fuel your actions.
Also, be aware of your thoughts. Stay in touch with your feelings. Speak up.
Your thoughts are your inner light! Keep them positive, and when they are not, at least be aware.



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